You’re a thief…and a liar! -Gollum

A dark foggy London-alike old city it’s a perfect place for a great stealth-mystery-love-well-done game!

A game you can play in many different ways, has a nice (not epic) story and a very good gameplay. Worth every penny spent on it.

Thief made me start look for more stealth games, like the Metal Gear series. I have only to thank the youtuber Zangado (, because he did the “first 30 minutes” of the game and it really made me buy this game.

The environment, the ambiance, they feel so fucking right. I felt so drowned in the shadows, I wanted to be like a ghost. However, as I first-flight player for this style of games, I didn’t make a good ghost, or even an opportunist. I got to kill most of the enemies. And it was not bad at all.

I loved the bow and its many types of arrows. A water arrow? Never crossed my mind! When you hit the critical point and the camera follows the arrow into the foe’s brain? So nice!!!

And the broken-heart couple? How can you do something like this and not be that much cliche? Well, the devs made it! Now I want more or this. I’m hoping they make a sequel.

11 out of 10 for the fun!
